Koning Health


Address 5555 Oakbrook Parkway, #640, Norcross, GA, USA 30093

Phone(888) 558-5228

Business On Google Map

Koning Health


Address 5555 Oakbrook Parkway, #640, Norcross, GA, USA 30093

Phone(888) 558-5228

Business On Google Map

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Business Rating & Reviews



Painfree Mammogram Atlanta GA

Koning 3D KBCT produces high-contrast real 3D images of the breast with exceptional spatial resolution. No painful compression in a rapid 10-second exposure at radiation levels in the range of diagnostic mammogram. We provide Best Painfree Mammogram in Atlanta GA.


Painfree Mammogram Atlanta GA

Koning 3D KBCT produces high-contrast real 3D images of the breast with exceptional spatial resolution. No painful compression in a rapid 10-second exposure at radiation levels in the range of diagnostic mammogram. We provide Best Painfree Mammogram in Atlanta GA.